Private military security companies. States device to elude international law obligations? The case of Yemen conflict


  • Emilio Duch Ramos Doctorando en Ciencias Jurídicas por la Universidad de Granada


Private Military and Security Companies (PMSC); Use of force; International Relations; Yemen; International Responsibility of States


The employment of Private Military and Security Companies in offensive combat operations has been proved, a phenomenon not observed since the last decade of the past century. The employment of PMSC constitutes a device of foreign powers to support one of the parties in internal conflicts. This is a particularly alarming situation because some States could have been not complying with international obligations relative to peace and security maintenance, using PMSC as proxy agents with impunity to achieve strategic objectives. The participation of Reflex Responses, a PMSC hired by the UAE, in the conflict of Yemen can be a sample of this practice.



How to Cite

Duch Ramos, E. (2024). Private military security companies. States device to elude international law obligations? The case of Yemen conflict. Revista Electrónica De Estudios Internacionales, (38). Retrieved from


