Biopolitics of the world system: some reflections about its pathological drifts


  • Paloma García Picazo UNED


Biopolitics, World-System, Anthropocene, security, territory, population


This text’s aim is rather simple. Taken as a premise some of the substantive aspects of the present world –accelerated climatic change and environmental degradation together with their estimated causes and effects; realistic forecasts announcing a constant and exponential planetary demographic growth; radical increase of world population’s movements throughout the world: induced, forced and compulsory (migrations and internal and international displacements, adding their consequent and massive petitions of residence, citizenship, asylum and refugee rights), this article –preceded by two theoretical proposals: Gaia Theory, Anthropocene- performs a specific theoretical digression in which coincide several thesis, conceptually coherent to the previous approach, stemming from M. Foucault extensive work: Biopolitics and Governmentality. Conceived in terms of just a conjectural essay, virtually useful to provide an overview of some of the most critical international issues which affect the present times, this contribution would not pretend at all to provide any ‘recipe’, ‘diagnostic’ or ‘pronostic’ of instrumental or empyrical character, intending merely to expose a qualified repertoire of eventually valuable elements for a theoretical international analysis, debate and reflection.



How to Cite

García Picazo, P. (2024). Biopolitics of the world system: some reflections about its pathological drifts. Revista Electrónica De Estudios Internacionales, (37). Retrieved from


