The authorization to investigate the crimes committed in Afghanistan. Lights and shadows of the Judgment of 5 March 2020 of the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court


  • Esperanza Orihuela Calatayud Catedrática de Derecho Internacional Público. Universidad de Murcia


International Criminal Court, Motu proprio Investigation, International crimes, Interests of Justice, Afghanistan


The ICC Appeals Chamber's judgment of 5 March 2020 has found that the Pre-Trial Chamber committed an error of law in its decision of 12 April 2019 denying the Prosecutor authorization to open an investigation into crimes committed in Afghanistan. A conclusion which, being based on the analysis of the first ground of appeal raised, has prevented the Appeals Chamber from clarifying other aspects, in particular, the much-discussed issue of factors to be taken into account when assessing the interests of justice. The Appeals Chamber judgment has highlighted that the Pre-Trial Chamber's decision was based more on speculation than on criminal justice criteria. The Appeals Chamber has offered victims the possibility of having their interests recognized or at least being able to benefit from the assistance of the Trust Fund for Victims.



How to Cite

Orihuela Calatayud, E. (2024). The authorization to investigate the crimes committed in Afghanistan. Lights and shadows of the Judgment of 5 March 2020 of the Appeals Chamber of the International Criminal Court. Revista Electrónica De Estudios Internacionales, (39). Retrieved from


