Legal regime and questions surrounding access to and dissemination of space science data


  • Laura Movilla Pateiro Profesora contratada doctora interina de Derecho Internacional Público y Relaciones Internacionales, Universidade de Vigo


Space Science Data, Earth Remote Sensing, Dissemination, Access, Outer Space Law


As space activities and applications have developed, awareness of the importance of dissemination of and access to space science data has also increased. Although there is not yet a detailed legal framework for such dissemination and access, recent developments such as the “Space2030” Agenda or the Artemis Accords seem to consolidate the path towards its open dissemination for the benefit of all mankind. Nevertheless, a wide range of questions remain, including the very definition of space science data, the related needs for capacity building and technology transfer to developing countries, or the interaction between the open dissemination of space science data and the legal regimes dealing with certain types of data, security and defence issues or commercial interests, as well as the rights and obligations of private actors.



How to Cite

Movilla Pateiro, L. (2024). Legal regime and questions surrounding access to and dissemination of space science data. Revista Electrónica De Estudios Internacionales, (43). Retrieved from


