Framework of Public International Law and Military Uses of Artificial Intelligence in the EU


  • Francisco Lamas López Alférez de navío del Cuerpo de Ingenieros de la Armada. Doctor ENPC ParisTech
  • Alfonso Peralta Gutiérrez Juez Especialista en IA y derecho digital. Juez del Juzgado de Primera Instancia e Instrucción nº 2 de Guadix Poder Judicial español. Investigador predoctoral en Universidad de Granada



Trustworthy AI, AI Military uses, International public law, Human control, Regulations


This paper discusses the ethical and legal issues of using Artificial Intelligence (AI) in military contexts. It emphasizes the need for trustworthy AI that respects fundamental rights, regulations, and core values while avoiding unintentional harm. The principles of beneficence, non-maleficence, autonomy, justice, and explicability provide a framework for achieving trustworthy AI. The paper highlights the importance of human control over AI to ensure responsibility, oversight, and accountability and advocates for a global framework for the use of AI that reflects international humanitarian law. The development and use of Lethal Autonomous Weapon Systems (LAWS) without significant human control is a major concern and must be regulated to ensure transparency and proper regulation. The EU should take the lead in promoting a comprehensive strategy on AI and defence that emphasizes the need for meaningful human oversight and control. The regulation of robotics and AI should reflect European and universal humanist values.



How to Cite

Lamas López, F., & Peralta Gutiérrez, A. (2023). Framework of Public International Law and Military Uses of Artificial Intelligence in the EU. Revista Electrónica De Estudios Internacionales, (46), 505–525.


